Get back, get back, they don’t know me like that, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
Hit that but good
The US has been hit eight times by hurricanes. We have been hammered so many times they’re going to name the next hurricane Paris Hilton.
Not brain surgery
Donald Trump was paid a million and a half dollars to deliver a speech on how to get rich. Lesson #1, don’t pay a million and a half dollars to a guy with a ferret pelt on his head.
Uh, Sir, that would make you the, oh forget it
Florida governor Jeb Bush has advised residents to evacuate hurricane Wilma, not ride it out; Jeb is often described as the smart one of the Bush brothers; upon hearing that, President Bush said; “Well, if he’s the smart one than what am I? I don’t get it.”
Not a shock
Minnesota Vikings fans are outraged at charges that, on their infamous drunken cruise, the members of the Vikings received public oral sex on their, well, Viking members. Why are the fans upset? It’s not like it’s the first time this year the Vikings have been blown away.
Minnesota Vikings fans are outraged at charges that, on their infamous drunken cruise, the members of the Vikings received public oral sex on their, well, Viking members. In their defense, the Vikings probably just wanted to give somebody else a chance to choke.
Not good
The 3 and 4 San Diego Chargers have lost their games by an average of less than three points. The Chargers are being called the best 3 and 4 team in NFL history, which is like being described as the best dancer in the Al Gore family.
Again, not good
The 3 and 4 San Diego Chargers have lost their games by an average of less than three points. The Chargers are being called the best 3 and 4 team in NFL history, which is like being described as the best ABBA tribute band.
Oh, now they’re get all testy
Major League Baseball is upset over the latest “Got Milk?” ads that poke fun at the performance enhancing drug scandal. They get all bent out of shape over a milk commercial but major league baseball was fine when Jose Conseco was so jacked up on steroids angry villagers chased him down the street with pitch forks and torches.